Tuesday, August 19, 2008

FireCalc Released

In an effort to save time and minimize input errors in the Fire Sprinkler calculation program, HASS, GeniuSoft has created software to import a DXF file from AutoCAD and save it in the native HASS format (SDF).

This program (FireCalc) makes input quick and easy by automatically setting pipe Size and Type, based on what layer the DXF lines are drawn on. So a line drawn on the layer "FP-MAIN" will automatically be set to be the Size and Type for a MAIN.

To see this program in action, visit http://www.geniusoftllc.com/tools/firecalc

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A nice piece of PI

When doing calculations for area, volume, etc. for Piping (or other round objects), it is often necessary to include the value for PI...

3.14159 is as far as I usually go - but sometimes we want to go crazy, right?


So how can you get the full value of PI without typing out the full number?

Easy! Just use: 4*Atn(1)
